

Well, I'm bored, so here's some funny shit to make you laugh

What will they think of Next

Really? A Drive Thru needs parking?
Why exactly would you need Drive thur parking?
could it be because the fat and lazy high school brat is too
busy stuffing his face rather than working?

Teaching them young!


Everyone needs to get laid once in a while?
isn't that right there Tom Mannis?
How's Lorraine?

The Michael Jackson Starter Kit

Only Available in Trailer parks and Southern states

Line up Please


Events and ego stroking

Well, the event in the bench was not actually named after Tommy, it was named by Tommy, so lets get this correct now tommy, you picked the name of the event, because if it was named after you for example "the tom mannis party" no one would bother showing up - because no one really wants you around, well, at least most of rogers park doesn't

So here's to yet another one of your exaggerations or "lies" made yo stroke your ego.

Way to go, keep it up champ!


He's Back, but so are we

Great, the low life (our opinion) Tom Mannis is back in Rogers Park....

Mannish is so egotistical that he feels he deserves a big parade, and pomp for his return to Rogers Park

But then again, sleeping on a park bench does not make one a resident, so Tommy here's to You!

The Common Cup:

The Common Drunk

Any Questions?